
How Porn Teaches Men The Wrong Things In Bed

How Porn Teaches Men The Wrong Things In Bed

Pornography a polarizing topic. Is it a good thing or a bad thing, and does it help or hinder a healthy sex life? The truth is pornography can be good for some people and relationships. If a couple is going through a challenging time with physical connection (emotionally or medically), they might be prescribed pornography as a way of rejuvenating their sex lives. The real issue is that some people—men in particular—think that what they see in porn is what women want. 

How Men Screw Up First Dates

How Men Screw Up First Dates

Courtship is primal. She wants him to pursue, and he needs something to chase. Does that mean a man should put in all the effort to make a first date great? Hardly. She needs to do her part… but he should be leading the process. After interviewing and surveying 1,000 men and women about their first date experiences, here are the most common screw-ups men make...

Online Dating is a Dirty Lie: Predators, Algorithms, & Monthly Dues

Online Dating is a Dirty Lie: Predators, Algorithms, & Monthly Dues

No matter what the dating sites say, searching for a match online is no better than your average nightclub or meat-market singles bar. And in many ways, it's WAY worse — algorithms that don't actually work, predators posing as house pets, and the ever-increasing need to purchase credits and monthly dues.